Monday, August 22, 2005

I Thought Honesty Was the Best Policy

But apparently Focus on the Family doesn't agree. In their online newsletter, Focus claims that "recent reports highlight the truth that homosexuals can change their sexual orientation." Sounds like a pretty harmless claim, except for the fact that Focus fails to link to or cite just one such report. And, the only reports I have seen lately (most of which surround Love in Action and the extra media attention it has gotten for Exodus), have not claimed that anyone has changed their sexual orientation.

In fact, Focus mentions an appearance on The View by two of its Youth staff. The problem is that one of them is not gay and never has been, and the other one is gay, and admitted on the show to still struggling.

I think Focus is betting on the idea that their readers will just take their word at face value, without doing any investigation of their own. It seems odd though, because if Focus were interested in being upfront and forthcoming about these alleged studies, a simple source would be very easy to cite, and would give them at least some journalistic integrity.

If anyone can think of a recent report of full change by an ex-gay, feel free to let me know.


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