Monday, August 08, 2005

Faked Gay Statistics

I've complained more than a few times on this blog about some people in the religious right using patently absurd and disingenious statistics about gay people to prove how terrible gays are. My statement has always been that if being gay is a sin, let it be a sin. There's no need to make up numbers or regurgitate highly suspect studies or statistics to try to prove the morality of your point.

I found recently on Ex-Gay Watch that Jim Burroway has done an excellent job figuring out how some in the religious right actually get to some of their false statistics. It is definitely worth a read.


At 8/8/05 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10/8/05 8:25 AM, Blogger Brady said...

stojef- Good points, as usual. Your second paragraph is particularly good, and framed in a way I didn't think of.


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